Upscaling Corporate Solutions for Biodiversity

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New report from French think-tank Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) identifies corporate action and solutions on nature that have the potential to be scaled up and replicated.


French think-tank, Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) launches a new report called ‘Upscaling Corporate Solutions for Biodiversity’. The report provides examples that illustrate how businesses from all sectors are taking action and implementing solutions that protect and restore nature. Importantly, it also outlines solutions that while not widespread, could be scaled up and mainstreamed and by doing so, deliver significant benefits for ecosystems, biodiversity and business. There are more than 60 examples of corporate biodiversity conservation and restoration actions included.

Specifically the report focuses on:

  • Solutions for recreating biodiversity-friendly spaces and conditions, for example safeguarding areas where nature can thrive.

  • Management methods and tools to make sure nature is factored into economic decision-making. It draws on the biodiversity management analysis performed by businesses supporting act4nature’s cross-cutting commitments and the Business for Nature coalition.

Aware of the urgent need to stop the current deterioration, we hope this paper will help companies achieve the necessary scale-up and foster a broader discussion with other stakeholders on the practices we must develop together.
— Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Chairman of EpE, CEO of BNP Paribas

The report highlights the fact that businesses have the innovation capabilities, technologies, skills and resources to mainstream positive actions for nature and biodiversity they have tested, and to adapt them to local contexts.

EpE is a membership organization that provides a forum for best practice sharing within the business world, as well as with NGOs, policy-makers and academics. EpE work closely with French and international large companies - in 2018 they set up the multi-stakeholder alliance act4nature that aims to mobilize businesses at the most senior level to ensure nature was a key part of their decision-making. Today’s report is the product of studies carried out by EpE’s Biodiversity Commission which met between 2017 and 2020, under the chairmanship of Nathalie Devulder, Director of Sustainable Development at French electricity business, RTE (Réseau de Transport d'Électricité). Written by EpE, it shares the experiences and best practices of EpE members, along with the insights of many biodiversity experts.

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