Recommendations to governments on GBF implementation
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) strongly recognizes the role of non-state actors, including businesses and financial institutions, in delivering the Convention’s objectives. As we enter now the implementation phase, we call on governments to fully recognize and integrate the roles of businesses and financial institutions in implementing policies and regulations.
Here is a set of guidance on specific elements of the GBF
NBSAPs Recommendations
To ensure that the role of business is fully recognized in the NBSAPs, Business for Nature developed eight recommendations for governments to consider.
Target 15 Recommendations
To assist governments implementing assessment and disclosure requirements, here is a set of ten recommendations to governments and additional resources.
Target 18 Recommendations
This paper provides recommendations for governments on how to implement Target 18 on reforming Environmentally Harmful Subsidies (EHS) and other incentives. In addition, the paper also presents how business can and should support this EHS reform processes.