COP15 Opening: businesses call for greater policy ambition and action on nature

As the UN Biodiversity COP15 officially opens, more than 1,000 businesses with revenues of $4.7 trillion USD, operating in 65 countries and employing more than 11.2 million people are urging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss this decade. This is coupled with an open letter to Heads of State signed by the CEOs of leading companies who are calling for governments to deliver a meaningful and actionable Global Biodiversity Framework.

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Nature-positive CEO briefing released by Business for Nature, the World Economic Forum, WBCSD and We Mean Business

To address the intertwined crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, food security and social inequality, Business for Nature, the World Economic Forum, WBCSD and We Mean Business released a new CEO briefing document outlining why businesses need to act on nature and the steps they need to take.

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How China can build a nature-positive and net-zero economy

All eyes are focused on efforts to agree a transformative agreement on nature for the coming decade as China will host the delayed COP15 Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15). As the world’s second largest economy, with GDP growth averaging around 6% each year, and with four of the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots, China must protect and maintain this rich tapestry of biodiversity and ensure it helps the Chinese economy continue to prosper. Chinese businesses need to play their part by taking decisive action on nature.

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Business Leaders Champion the Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment

A global coalition of business organizations are uniting to amplify calls for the UN General Assembly to adopt a resolution giving universal recognition to the Human Right to a Healthy and Sustainable Environment in September. The business case is clear: recognizing this right will contribute to protecting our natural capital and creating the conditions through which our planet—and business—can sustainably thrive.

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Business for Nature
What is 'nature positive' and why is it the key to our future?

But now there is a new worldview gathering pace: "nature positive." This asks: What if we go beyond damage limitation? What if our economic activities not only minimize impact, but also enhance ecosystems?

A nature positive approach enriches biodiversity, stores carbon, purifies water and reduces pandemic risk. In short, a nature positive approach enhances the resilience of our planet and our societies.

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The race is on: governments adopt Nature Compact at the G7 but is it enough?

Business for Nature welcomes the Nature Compact agreed by the G7, but now we need concrete actions to achieve an equitable, nature-positive and carbon neutral future.

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CLG Europe policy briefing: Towards a sustainable food future for Europe

CLG Europe’s policy briefing explores how to make food systems more sustainable by looking at solutions from production to consumption and waste, illustrated with best practices from the private sector, and provides recommendations on how EU policies, such as the Farm to Fork Strategy, can contribute to the achievement of the transition towards a sustainable food system at EU and global level.

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