Business for Nature provides inputs to CBD SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3 meetings
Ahead of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s SBSTTA 24 and SBI 3, Business for Nature has developed position papers on key agenda items.
We are running out of time, but the science is clear - the nature crisis must be tackled within this decade. Business for Nature therefore welcomes the news that the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)’s 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) will take place this October in Kunming, China.
It is vital that we adopt an ambitious Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (The Framework) at COP15, and the upcoming meetings of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) 24 and Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI) 3 represent a key opportunity for Parties to progress on the discussions that will lead to an agreement later this year. Business for Nature welcomes these upcoming discussions at SBSTTA 24 and SBI 3, and greatly appreciates the efforts of Parties to develop a strong Framework. However, we are concerned that the current draft is still unlikely to trigger the change needed and action necessary from the business community to transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet. Read here our full position on the Framework. While Parties are responsible for the implementation of the Post-2020 Framework, its objectives cannot be achieved without the meaningful and constructive contribution of businesses.
Business for Nature has developed position papers on key agenda items, which provide inputs to support Parties in developing their positions and national statements:
1. Monitoring Framework (SBSTTA agenda Item 3, meeting document CBD/SBSTTA/24/3)
The Post-2020 Framework must explicitly recognize and provide a clear role for businesses and financial institutions to make them co-responsible and accountable for implementation of the goals and targets agreed, alongside Parties and other non-state actors. We therefore request SBSTTA-24 to:
Recognize the necessity to provide a clear role for businesses and financial institutions in the Framework.
Request a formal process to develop business-relevant indicators in the monitoring framework.
Request that the work on metrics for non-state actor commitments feeds into this formal process to develop business relevant indicators.
2. Joint position on the mission statement (SBSTTA agenda item 3 Add.2, CBD/SBSTTA/24/3/Add.2)
Only the approach that provides a clear path to net gain of biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people by 2030 reflects the level of ambition that is needed. We therefore propose that SBSTTA-24 recommends refining the draft mission statement to clarify that it aims for a net gain in the status of biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people (‘nature positive’) by 2030. This will require strong political will to agree and implement ambitious targets for 2030.
3. Resource mobilization (SBI agenda item 6, meeting document CBD/SBI/3/5)
Business for Nature supports the draft elements on resource mobilization in Annex I of document CBD/SBI/3/5 but believes that these recommendations must be strengthened. Therefore, Annex I should recommend:
A stronger target 17 that commits to eliminate and redirect all subsidies and incentives that are harmful for biodiversity.
A new target promoting regulatory measures to align financial flows of financial institutions and businesses to a nature-positive world.
To strengthen capacity development for businesses in identifying, measuring, valuing and externally disclosing impacts and dependencies on nature.
To support the Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD).
To increase innovative and transformative green finance.
4. Implementation mechanisms (SBI agenda item 9, meeting document CBD/SBI/3/11)
Closing the implementation gap must be a key priority of the Framework. For that, a robust monitoring, reporting and reviewing mechanism, coupled with a ratchet mechanism is needed to ensure that actions are adapted to the change needed. Business for Nature recommends:
Establish an effective, comprehensive and cyclical implementation mechanism.
Adopt a ratchet mechanism informed by science to ensure that the 2050 vision is achieved.
Include business plans and commitments on nature in national commitments.
Ensure enforcement of laws and regulations.
Pursue an integrated approach to delivering on the objectives of both the CBD and the UNFCCC.
Enable meaningful and constructive business contributions in the Framework implementation.
5. Mainstreaming biodiversity (SBI agenda item 11, meeting document CBD/SBI/3/13)
The CBD Long-Term Approach on Mainstreaming (LTAM) recognizes business and finance as one of the key actors for mainstreaming, and Business for Nature believes that elements on Annex I in meeting document CBD/SBI/3/13 must be strengthened by integrating the following recommendations:
Milestone B.2 should reflect the four parts of society (i.e., governments, businesses, financial institutions, and civil society).
Provide a clear role for businesses and financial institutions in the Framework.
Develop a process to include business-relevant indicators in the Monitoring Framework.
Include business plans and commitments on nature in national commitments.
Support the mainstreaming of biodiversity into businesses and financial institutions’ decision making.
Support the Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD)
Please feel free to contact the BfN team for further information or to organize a bilateral discussion.
Read Business for Nature’s full position on the zero draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework