More than 130 companies and financial institutions call for renewed policy ambition to implement the Biodiversity Plan


Today, more than 130 businesses and financial institutions, representing $1.1 trillion in revenue, are urging global leaders to accelerate the adoption and enforcement of robust nature policies. This group of companies includes Danone, Decathlon, dsm-firmenich, H&M Group, Holcim, IKEA, Kering, L'OCCITANE Group, Mahindra Group, Natura &Co, Nestlé, ofi, Safaricom PLC, Sainsbury’s, Salesforce, Suzano, Sumitomo Forestry, Unilever, Wipro Limited, Volvo and many more, emphasizing the urgent need to implement the Biodiversity Plan faster to halt and reverse nature loss in this decade. 

With just under 100 days before the UN Biodiversity COP16 in Colombia, these businesses call for immediate government action to strengthen – not weaken – the policies, incentives, legislation and regulation essential for encouraging ambitious and effective corporate action on nature, including to: 

  1. Make sure business and financial actors protect nature and restore degraded ecosystems  

  2. Ensure sustainable resource use and management to reduce negative environmental impacts  

  3. Value and embed nature in decision-making and disclosure  

  4. Align all financial flows to transition to a nature-positive, net zero and equitable economy  

  5. Adopt or strengthen ambitious global agreements to address key nature loss challenges 

Policy recommendations to governments 

To complement these high-level recommendations, in collaboration with nearly 150 partners and companies, the Business for Nature coalition has developed 20 specific asks for governments which provide guidance to governments on the necessary policies to effectively implement the Biodiversity Plan in a way that would generate accelerated business action on nature. These include measures such as banning land conversion in key protected areas, transitioning to regenerative farming models, and adopting a Global Moratorium on Deep Sea Mining.  

Businesses are uniting to call on governments for regulatory certainty to transform their operations and supply chains. Our policy recommendations illustrate how this can become a reality. Only through collective effort can we drive the systemic change needed for a nature-positive, net-zero, and equitable economy.
— Eva Zabey, CEO, Business for Nature
Colombia is home to 10% of the planet’s biodiversity. Nature loss is a critical risk we cannot ignore, and the success of our business relies on a healthy natural world. At Nestlé, we have set ambitious targets to ensure 50% of our key ingredients are sourced from farmers adopting regenerative agriculture practices by 2030. We stand ready to collaborate with governments to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030.
— Laurent Friexe, Chief Executive Officer, Latin America (LATAM), Nestlé
At ofi, our vision is to be the preferred partner for positive change for our farmers, our customers and other partners across our supply chains. Under our Choices for Change sustainability strategy and ofi-wide 2030 targets, we focus on helping farmers to prosper in thriving communities, driving climate action and regenerating the living world. Every crop we grow or source is connected to nature, and we believe that business and financial actors must collaborate to understand the true cost of agriculture on nature and drive action to protect biodiversity and build natural capital in sourcing landscapes. Ahead of COP16, we call on governments to implement robust regulations that inspire meaningful action and enable businesses to make better choices towards a nature-positive economy.
— Rishi Kalra, Executive Director and CFO, ofi

Additional companies are welcome to endorse the statement ahead of the UN Biodiversity COP16.