May news update: We're off! CBD meetings re-start today in the run-up to COP15


The leading business voice calling for policy ambition at CBD grows stronger

Today marks an exciting juncture in what we hope will prove to be a vital year for nature, people and climate. The kick-off of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)’s technical bodies (otherwise known as SBSTTA and SBI) marks the official re-start with 6 weeks of virtual meetings in the run up to the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) now scheduled to take place in October this year.

Thanks to all your support over the past year, together we have successfully amplified the business voice of business calling to deliver a transformative global agreement on nature at COP15. But there is still much to do.

In January, we set out nine suggestions with specific text amendments on the latest draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and along with some companies, presented these to policymakers in March – watch the highlights video. These recommendations focus in particular on the importance of recognizing the role of business and finance as part of the solution to reversing nature loss in this decade.

To generate the transformation we need, the GBF must:

  • Reflect strong political will at the highest level.

  • Include a strong set of enforceable targets.

  • Provide clarity on the duties of different actors, including businesses.

  • Identify appropriate financial resources.

  • Adopt a robust implementation and monitoring framework useable by all actors.


A Global Goal for Nature: Nature-Positive by 2030

What is the global goal for nature we should all be working towards? A group of organizations including WRI, WWF, WBCSD, The Nature Conservancy, Potsdam Institute, Business for Nature and others have explained why we need to aim for Nature Positive by 2030. Such a goal drives ambition in governments, business and across society, to inspire the GBF process, as well as create links with climate, ocean and land degradation.


Recent news

  • In this article, Paul Polman and Eva Zabey discuss how we need to re-wire our economic system if we’re going to build an equitable, nature-positive and net-zero future. Feel free to amplify our posts on LinkedIn and Twitter.

  • On Earth Day, EarthxTV launched a program on how we can create equitable and transformative change for nature and people, featuring speakers from the World Economic Forum, WWF, the Potsdam Institute, Natura &Co and Business for Nature among others.

  • In April, Business for Nature spoke at a UN event called Raising Ambition for Nature, where high-level participants discussed innovative solutions for protecting, restoring and sustainably managing biodiversity.

From our partners

  • WBCSD launched Vision 2050 to provide the business community with comprehensive, reliable and ambitious guidance on how it can lead the transformations the world urgently needs.

  • In April, over 130 organizations participated in a week-long virtual workshop to co-design an Accountability System for the Global Commons.

  • A new report from the TRANSPARENT project, led by WBCSD, Valuing Nature and supported by Capitals Coalition, ‘Corporate natural capital accounting – from building blocks to a path for standardization' provides a mapping of the natural capital accounting landscape, leading applications, challenges & opportunities for development.

  • has just launched their global pledge for corporates to commit to conserving, restoring and growing 1 trillion trees by 2030. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact

Up and coming

Thank you again,

Eva Zabey

Executive Director – Business for Nature