Before you sign the COP15 business statement for mandatory assessment and disclosure below, please carefully read the following:
By signing the business statement, you allow Business for Nature to name and list your company externally as a supporter.
By signing this statement, your company will be automatically added to our 'Nature is Everyone's Business' Call to Action urging governments to adopt ambitious polices to reverse nature loss this decade, if your company hasn't signed already.
Please feel free to share more information in the sign-up form about how your organization is doing any of the following so we can amplify the best examples:
Assessing impacts and dependencies on nature
Disclosing material nature-related information
Committing to avoiding and reducing negative impacts
Transforming business strategies and models to restore and regenerate nature
Please share in the sign-up form the key communications and advocacy contacts from your company so we can share the toolkit with them in due course. We appreciate for Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) these contacts may be the same.
If you encounter issues with loading the Captcha images, it is likely due to strict firewalls. Please try disabling your VPN or using another IT client (e.g. laptop, phone, tablet) to sign up.
Please reach out to if you have any questions in the sign-up process.